Thursday, August 2, 2018


Good or bad, we all have some habits. Some are developed intentionally while other we just adopt with time or by the company we have. Smoking, drinking, shopping, caring, loving, responsibility, punctuality arguing etc. are all habits.

No matter wherever we are or who is a part of our friends circle, we should always make sure we adopt the good habits and not the bad ones. But sometimes, somehow we take up habits that seem to bring happiness to us but it’s actually the opposite. We get so used to it that when we don’t have it we are unable to control ourselves. It’s like drugs for us, we form an addiction to it.

Sometimes, the addiction is a person. A friend, a companion, or a soul mate. We develop the habit of talking to that person, sharing life events, sharing happiness, sadness, smiles, laughter, tears and what not. We get into the habit of so much time with that person. Having tea, gossiping, shopping, ice-creams, dining out, and watching movies. Those heart to heart conversations late at night are probably the best moments spent with that person.

Then one day, life takes a turn. That person is no longer there. Alive, but out of your reach. Far, far away. That is the time when you realize how badly addicted you have become to that person and his/her presence. Every moment seems lifeless. You wish to talk to that person, share life details, how your day was, what made you smile, what made you angry; but that person is not there to listen.
After a hardship I learnt this lesson, never get addicted to a person because at times, when you need that person the most he is not there. Never make a habit to talk to anyone regularly, spend time with him that one day when he leaves, you feel like you have lost a very important part of your life. An experience that makes you feel incomplete; sometimes for the rest of your life.

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